Sicko, documentarian Michael Moore’s look at the failings of the United States health care system, has just past Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth in box office receipts, to become the third highest-grossing documentary of all time.
Released by the Weinstein Company, the film has already earned $24.2 million domestically in its first nine weeks of release, placing it behind Moore’s controversial Fahrenheit 9/11 and March Of the Penguins on the box office charts. In a break with his past, more partisian works, Sicko received positive notices from critics across the political spectrum including Fox News, whose Roger Friedman called the film “brilliant and uplifting,”
You can read the FilmBuffOnLine review here.
Weinstein Company co-chair Harvey Weinstein said in a press statement, “It’s an incredible achievement for Sicko to have become the third highest grossing film in the history of documentaries. We are going to keep the movie in theaters and plan to re-release it during the Fall so that audiences continue to have a chance to experience this entertaining and profound documentary.”