McGowan: RED SONJA Delayed, Not Cancelled

OK, maybe not 2009...Robert Rodriguez has a lot on his directorial plate right now- either as a producer or director he has Machete, Predators and Nerverackers all vying for his immediate attention with Sin City 2, The Jetsons and Madman waiting in the wings. His planned adaptation of Robert Howard’s pulp heroine Red Sonja is also in a holding patter, but not due to Rodriguez’s busy schedule.

Rose McGowan, Rodqiguez’s choice to play the title role in the film, has told FOX News’ Pop Tarts blog earlier this week that the delay in getting started on Red Sonja is due to some recent medical procedures she has undergone-

I had wrist and elbow surgery and they took part of my elbow out. I had really bad nerve damage from doing stunts – I do a lot of my own stunts. I could no longer use my arm, but now I can hold a fork and drive so we’re working our way up. It’ll probably be another six months of rehab, but It’s the price you pay for being really limber and being able to do back flips!

Of course, FOX News being FOX News, there were some inaccuracies in the report- specifically that McGowan’s surgery had somehow shut down an already-in-progress production. McGowan tweeted Wednesday that the report got it wrong-

News is wrong! No injuries stopped the filming on Red Sonja!Film didn’t start.Stunt on Planet Terror&eventual arm/hand surgery delayed

Currently, McGowan is in Des Moines, Iowa working on the drama Dylan’s Wake, so presumably she’s on the mend. Of course, there’s probably no heavy stunt work for her on this picture.

We can look forward to work on Red Sonja possibly commencing at some point next year.

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About Rich Drees 7266 Articles
A film fan since he first saw that Rebel Blockade Runner fleeing the massive Imperial Star Destroyer at the tender age of 8 and a veteran freelance journalist with twenty-five years experience writing about film and pop culture. He is a member of the Philadelphia Film Critics Circle.
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