Will Smith Fighting Vampires In Bible Movie

Well, here’s a good way to get kids interested in a movie based on a Bible story- Throw some vampires into it!

That’s what will happen in the new project that Will Smith has just attached himself. According to Deadline, Smith is now set to star in and produce The Legend Of Cain, based on the book of Genesis’s story of sibling rivalry. For those who paid attention in their various religious instruction classes (As opposed to those who may have spent their time drawing Flash Gordon spaceships in the back of our notes books… Ahem.) will know that Cain is the person who committed the first murder, slaying his brother Abel after God found Abel’s sacrifice of an animal versus Cain’s offering of produce. Differing religious traditions vary the details somewhat, but the core of the story remains the same. You can read the King James Bible version here and the story as it appears in the Torah here, though I guess some spoilers may be there.

As to vampires, well, Deadline doesn’t offer much elaboration other than that the film’s plot will have “a vampiric twist.” Is this just a cynical effort to attract the attention of the Twilight crowd? Perhaps. The script is by actor/writer Caleeb Pinkett (and not coincidentally, Smith’s brother-in-law) and Dan Knauf, with Andrea Berloff doing a rewrite.

There is no director attached and no studio has signed on to fund the project, so we may never see this in our local cineplexes. But the idea sounds so ludicrous, I have hope that it actually does get made.

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About Rich Drees 7266 Articles
A film fan since he first saw that Rebel Blockade Runner fleeing the massive Imperial Star Destroyer at the tender age of 8 and a veteran freelance journalist with twenty-five years experience writing about film and pop culture. He is a member of the Philadelphia Film Critics Circle.
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