Scott Pilgrim vs. the World might just be the best adaptation of a comic book that you have ever seen. It captures the flashy imagery of the original medium, right down to the speed lines and boldly lettered sound effects. And as an adaptation of this particular comic book series, it is also pretty darn good.

The Scott Pilgrim graphic novel series is a frenetic mix of manga, garage rock, and video games. It is a patchwork ode to all of these geek worthy things, and, as such it is almost impossible to adapt correctly. Edgar Wright has.

He has captured O’Malley’s vision perfectly, translating the drawings on paper into images  on the screen in a way that appears so natural and so right that it seems almost mystical.

I sat in the theater and couldn’t imagine anyone except Wright directing the film. Wright, while showing trademark flashes of his own style (the quick jump cut make a number of appearances), allows the source material to breathe. You kept looking forward to how he was going to adapt the individual plot elements from the comic for the screen. Of course, this has the side effect of letting you know what was added to the film and what parts of the original graphic novel didn’t make it in.

For as much as a visual masterpiece that the film is, it is also holds to how the old comedy maxim goes–if you buy the premise, then you buy the bit.

If you are comic book fan, have ever played a video game to its conclusion, or followed a group of friends who had a band, then this film will be right up your alley. Other than that, your mileage may vary. There is a love story to hang onto, and a number of themes that could resonate with all audiences, but I can very well see some viewers getting lost in all the flash, frenzy and fury of the film.

The cast is superb from the top to the bottom, and each member is perfectly cast in their roles. Often times, they appear to have been drawn by O’Malley himself they are so exact in their presentation.

I do believe that the film should be seen, if only to witness the awesome visual onslaught. But be warned, it might not be everyone’s cup of tea.

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About Bill Gatevackes 2078 Articles
William is cursed with the shared love of comic books and of films. Luckily, this is a great time for him to be alive. His writing has been featured on Broken, and in Comics Foundry magazine.
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