Trevorrow Takes Himself Out Of Running For STAR WARS EPISODE VII

Colin Trevorrow has been thought to be one of the lead contenders for the Star Wars: Episode VII directorial job almost from the moment news broke that there was going to be a Star Wars: Episode VII. There were reports that the director of the indie time-travel film Safety Not Guaranteed had met with folks at Lucasfilm earlier in the summer and soon he found his name on everyone’s list of possible directors for the film.

But now, Trevorrow has gone on to twitter to state that he is not working on the anticipated new trilogy, but on something else entirely.

The other project that Trevorrow mentioned is one that he referred to obliquely back in June on the MacGuffin Podcast and brought back up this weekend by Film School Rejects where he said –

I can’t speak with any specificity as to what the next thing will be. There are amazing opportunities that have arisen as a result of this. One of them, I will say, will probably create a good deal of ire against me on the Internet when people find out what it is. So, I just want to say in advance that I promise you, for all those who love the mythology that I will be tackling, trust that I love it as much as you do. And I will respect it, and hopefully make it not suck.

OK, judging by that quote, it is fairly easy to jump to the conclusion that he was up for Star Wars.

But with Trevorrow removing himself out of consideration, we find that it looks like all of the major speculated candidates are now off the list. Matthew Vaughn, Guillermo Del Toro, Brad Bird, Brenda Chapman, Steven Spielberg, J J Abrams, Quentin Tarantino and Zack Snyder are all stating that they are not involved. So we’re left with wondering – Who is?

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About Rich Drees 7266 Articles
A film fan since he first saw that Rebel Blockade Runner fleeing the massive Imperial Star Destroyer at the tender age of 8 and a veteran freelance journalist with twenty-five years experience writing about film and pop culture. He is a member of the Philadelphia Film Critics Circle.
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