SUPER TROOPERS 2 Might Crowdfund Remaining Budget


The Broken Lizard guys are really close to getting Super Troopers 2 in front of cameras. So close, that they pretty much have the financing in place, but are still just a few dollars short. But to makeup that shortfall, they ay be turning to the fans who have been asking for the sequel for years.

Broken Lizard member Steve Lemme spoke with USWeekly (via The Wrap) who revealed that the group was close to meeting the full estimated $27 million that they need to make the film.

The fans have been asking for it for a while, but we were finally able to package everything together. Fox is going to distribute the film, but we needed to raise the money for it. We’re close. There may be a Kickstarter launched to raise the last little bit.

Lemme also hinted at the plotline for the sequel, but didn’t give any solid spoilers.

I think it’s one of the more unique and interesting stories I’ve seen in awhile. But the movie picks up pretty much where we left off in the first one. It’s a few years later. The biggest difficulty was trying to top that opening scene, which so many people have complimented us on. I think we’ve done it.

Everybody who had a mustache in the first one will grow it back.. Now the guys who didn’t grow mustaches for the first one want to have a mustache. We’re making them earn it, not sure how we’ll haze them, but they better be prepared.

Last month, Broken Lizard member Jay Chandrasekhar stated that it was possible that Super Troopers 2 would be in front of the cameras by this winter. If that is still the plan, I would expect that Kickstarter drive to be announced any day meow.

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About Rich Drees 7266 Articles
A film fan since he first saw that Rebel Blockade Runner fleeing the massive Imperial Star Destroyer at the tender age of 8 and a veteran freelance journalist with twenty-five years experience writing about film and pop culture. He is a member of the Philadelphia Film Critics Circle.
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