1. Exodus; Gods and Kings (Fox, 3,503 Theaters, 150 Minutes, Rated PG-13 for violence including battle sequences and intense images): We seem to have stumbled into a new era of Biblical epics. The genre was popular back in the 1950s and 1960s, and seems to be making a comeback in a big way?
Why? Maybe because special effects technology has finally caught up to the point where the Acts of God can be recreated believably? Could it be the rise of the religious right in America or, on the other hand, the fact the tales translate well overseas? Or is it because since the Bible is in the public domain, so there is more money for studios to make since they pay nothing for the rights?
Anyway, this one tells the story of Moses. If you are not familiar with the story, rent The Ten Commandments. If you do that, you can skip this one. This film currently is at an awful 32% fresh on Rotten Tomatoes, a sure sign from God that it should be avoided.