DEADPOOL 3 Being Developed

deadpool-3Nothing sells like success, and Deadpool was very successful. Therefore, it should surprise no one that Deadpool 3 is being planned before Deadpool 2 has its house in order.

The Hollywood Reporter did a “State of the X-films” post, checking in on X-Men (heading for a reboot), the status of Jennifer Lawrence’s, James McAvoy’s, Michael Fassbender’s and Nicholas Hoult’s contracts (they are all expired and will want big bucks to come back), Logan (its trailer was the most watched in franchise history), Gambit (back on track as Channing Tatum’s schedule has cleared, but without Doug Liman), and New Mutants (might roll before cameras by Spring).

But when they got to Deadpool, the big news wasn’t that they locked down a director for the sequel (although they did say David Leitch was still in negotiations) but that there would be a third film, one that would introduce X-Force into the X-continuity.

A stand-alone X-Force film has been in development since the Summer of 2013, but introducing the concept in the Deadpool franchise seems like a good idea. Deadpool was a member of a team in various incarnations of the unit in the comics, and assuming the tumult over Deadpool 2 doesn’t hamper its grosses, having that team debut in Deadpool 3 will give the X-Force standalone film a running start.

There has been no release date mentioned for Deadpool 3, so keep your eyes here for more information as it becomes available.


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About Bill Gatevackes 2078 Articles
William is cursed with the shared love of comic books and of films. Luckily, this is a great time for him to be alive. His writing has been featured on Broken, and in Comics Foundry magazine.
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