Is Peter Jackson Going To Work On The DC EXTENDED UNIVERSE?

So, it appears that Warners is trying to gather the world’s greatest directors to work on the DC Extended Universe. First it was announced that Steven Spielberg would be tackling Blackhawk. Now, rumor has it that Oscar-winning director Peter Jackson is debating signing on for a DCEU film.

The rumor comes from the Twitter account of The One, a typically accurate site that covers all thing Tolkien.

The “Return to Middle-Earth” would be a TV series based on Lord of the Rings being developed at Amazon. Nothing is known about the DCEU project: not whether  Jackson would be only producing or writing and directing as well, nor even what film it is.

The best guess would be Jackson would take over Justice League Dark, a stalled development film that would be epic in scale, yet tie into Jackson’s horror roots. If that’s the case, it would be the second time that Jackson stepped in and picked up the ball Guillermo del Toro left on the field (del Toro initiated Justice League Dark at Warners and was also scheduled to direct The Hobbit before stepping down).

There is also Sandman, which is housed at Warners’ New Line subsidiary and has been in a state of flux since Joseph Gordon-Levitt stepped away from it. That concept seems to be right in Jackson’s wheelhouse.

Of course, Warners might give Jackson carte blanche to tackle any property in DC Comics history so the sky could literally be the limit as to what the project could be.

Sad part about this is that we might never know. If Jackson choose to work with Amazon, all discussion on what the DCEU project would have been becomes moot.

More on this as it develops.

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About Bill Gatevackes 2058 Articles
William is cursed with the shared love of comic books and of films. Luckily, this is a great time for him to be alive. His writing has been featured on Broken, and in Comics Foundry magazine.
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