ARRIVAL Gets A Post-Oscar Nomination Re-release
Denis Villeneuve’s science-fiction drama gets a theatrical re-release to celebrate its 8 Oscar nominations. [click for more]
Denis Villeneuve’s science-fiction drama gets a theatrical re-release to celebrate its 8 Oscar nominations. [click for more]
We talk about what we find interesting about the Oscar nominations, from the snubs to the social impact. [click for more]
New Releases this week include ALMOST CHRISTMAS, ARRIVAL, and SHUT IN. [click for more]
We saw what Rich thought of it. Now let’s see what Bill’s opinion of the film was. [click for more]
The list of Best Actress nominees this year is heavy with past nominations and wins. [click for more]
Lois interrogates the guy with the S on his chest. [click for more]
A little professional disagreement. [click for more]
The category with the odds on favorite is also the one with the chance for the biggest upset. [click for more]
Here’s the Daily Planet’s toughest reporter. [click for more]
Rumor has it that Jimmy Olsen will be getting a sex change for The Man of Steel,and naturally, comic fans are upset. Why? We’ll explain inside. [click for more]
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