Now Zack Snyder Tweets Full Look At The Batmobile…And Batman!!!!

man and mobile sneak peekYou got to hand it to him, Zack Snyder is a man of his word. When he teases a better look at something, he delivers. Not only that, he gives you a little bit more.

Yesterday, the Batman vs. Superman director gave us a tweet with a small glimpse of what the new Batmobile looks like, but the car was mostly covered with a tarp. He did promise a better look today and he did deliver. Not only did we get a better look at the vehicle…but also its driver!

It’s so cute that he tells us what camera he used. Like the fans will even care.

Anyway, here is the picture again. Click to make it bigger.

batman-vs-superman-ben-affleck-batmobileNot exactly a clear, full look, but enough to make snap judgements on. Yesterday, I said the car looked like the baby of the Burton Batmobile and Nolan’s Tumbler. This makes that comparison seem more on the nose. Look at the canopy on this version and the one on the 1989 Batmobile:


There’s a similarity right? Now, on to Batfleck. Thanks to Twitter user Adam Hlavac and his judicious use of Photoshop, we have a lighter view of Batman which shows off more detail of the suit:

ben-affleck-batman-image-batman-vs-superman So,  the muscles are back to being part of the suit? Alright, then.

Dark-Knight-Returns-Batman-StatueThe new Batsuit, like the Batmobile, appears to be a marriage of the Burton Batsuits, the Nolan Batsuits, and Batman’s costume from Batman: The Dark Knight Returns comic book, seen to the right as a collectable statue. Note the tiny ears on the cowl, the accents on the gloves and the oversized bat on the chest.  The comic book design has carried over onto the new Batsuit. Snyder has said he was taking that comic book into consideration while making this movie, and we can see the proof right here.

And I don’t want to hate on Ben Affleck, but he’s got to work on his brooding. I think he’s trying to go for moody introspection here, but it looks more like he just trying to remember where he left his car keys.

Batman vs. Superman, or whatever it will eventually be called, is scheduled to open on May 6, 2016.


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About Bill Gatevackes 2079 Articles
William is cursed with the shared love of comic books and of films. Luckily, this is a great time for him to be alive. His writing has been featured on Broken, and in Comics Foundry magazine.
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