Tonto finally has his kemosabe.
After a long search, and a few false alarms, Disney’s planned The Lone Ranger film finally has it’s title role filled. Slipping on the famous black mask will be none other than The Social Network‘s own Winklevoss twins, Armie Hammer.
Hammer will be saddling up alongside Johnny Depp, who has been attached to the project to play Tonto ever since Disney first announced their intentions of making the film back in 2008.
It had been reported last month that Hammer had been in talks for the role, but Variety has reported that the studio and the actor have finalized a deal. Variety is also reporting that the film could be ready for release as early as Fall 2012 if production commences after Depp finishes his current job on Tim Burton’s Dark Shadows big screen adaptation.
Hammer is a pretty good fit for the role, I would say. He has a solid jaw and an all-American look about him that fits the part but isn’t too much of a pretty boy to look out of place in a western. I’d say that this project was shaping up fairly well. Hopefully, it will erase the bad taste left in our mouths by 1981’s The Legend Of The Lone Ranger.