New Releases: August 3,2012

1. Total Recall (Sony/Columbia, 3,601 Theaters, 118 Minutes, Rated PG-13): Hey, kids, this is what it’s like getting old. Upon thinking of this remake, one thought stuck in my head: why are they remaking this film? The original didn’t come out that long ago. Then I realized that the original came out 22 years ago. At one time, when I was much younger, 22 years seemed like a much longer period of time. Sigh.

Anyway, it might be outlandish to call the original a “classic,” but it certainly was a great movie–one of the better Phillip K. Dick adaptations. But that film was an example of the sci-fi action flick of the day, and the concept can stand some reinterpretation.

This new time around, there are changes (there is no going to Mars in this one) and similarities (Rekall, and all it does to our hero, still exists) to the original, but it does appear to be an interesting new look at the source material.

One change I’m interested in seeing is what the change of rating has affected the film. The original was an R, almost and X, for its gore and violence. This one is PG-13. Can’t wait to see of this means this version was toned down or if the rating standards has changed that much over that time.

2. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days (Fox, 3,392 Theaters, 94 Minutes, Rated PG): Yes, this film, which is aimed squarely at kids, is rated just one strata below Total Recall. What is this world coming to?

This is the next installment of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid film series, based on the successful book series by Jeff Kinney. Just so you know, even though this film shares the same title as the fourth book of the series, its plot combines the fourth book with the third. So, really, you won’t be missing anything.

The plot involves things not going according to plan for our hero over his summer vacation. Yep, that all IMDB gave me to work with. But if you are a fan of these movies you were probably a fan of the books, so you probably have a better idea what this film will be about than either me or IMDB.

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About Bill Gatevackes 2078 Articles
William is cursed with the shared love of comic books and of films. Luckily, this is a great time for him to be alive. His writing has been featured on Broken, and in Comics Foundry magazine.
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