Blogs And Blobs

So… This is that “Blog” thing all the kids are talking about…

Hello and welcome to the Editor’s Blog here at FilmBuffOnLine. My name is Rich and I’m your host. Those who know have heard me say (over and over, probably) that when I started FilmBuffOnLine, I wanted to avoid the cult of personality that seemed to dominate not only entertainment reporting on the internet, but virtually all reportage online. While in the almost four years since I started this site, there has been a detectable shift in the journalistic standards of many internet outlets, while others have found ways to balance their own identity a bit better without impacting what they are reporting on. Such a balancing act is what I want to attempt here, in the FilmBuff Blog.

The purpose of this blog will be three fold.

One- Over the years I’ve been running this site, I’ve had some experiences that while not strictly newsworthy, would still make interesting stories to tell. So this will be the place for such things.

Two- This blog will be the new place where I will spout off about the various things in the movie world that alternately get my goat or lift my spirits.

With these two missions in mind, keep your eyes open for blog entries in the next couple of days on director Kevin Smith’s personal film festival Vulgarthon, why we should be careful what we wish for when it comes to George Lucas and getting the original theatrical version of Star Wars on DVD and a few other things.

Three- I hope to use the Blog to give you readers a glimpse behind the curtain, as it were, to let you in on what is happening with the site and what new features you may expect to see in the near and not-so-near future. And speaking of new brand new features here at FilmBuffOnLine

I am thrilled to announce that FilmBuffOnLine is now the host for The Blob Site, Rita Fetter’s outstanding work at researching the history of one of the seminal ’50s monster movies. Unfortunately, recently Rita has found her time at a premium and was unable to continue her work on the site. Rather than let all of her great work disappear into the cyber-ether, I contacted Rita with an offer to host the site, to which she agreed!

You can check out the work Rita has done in researching the film’s production history and shooting locations here.

And don’t forget that next month is Phoenixville, PA’s annual BlobFest! Let me tell you, there’s nothing like the thrill of sitting in the actual theater the Blob attacks in the movie watching the movie on screen!

So, thanks for stopping by. And we’ll be back soon with more goodies from the world of movies!

Oh yes- Please ignore some of the clutter, we’re still trying to finish off a few minor details here…

Avatar für Rich Drees
About Rich Drees 7252 Articles
A film fan since he first saw that Rebel Blockade Runner fleeing the massive Imperial Star Destroyer at the tender age of 8 and a veteran freelance journalist with twenty-five years experience writing about film and pop culture. He is a member of the Philadelphia Film Critics Circle.
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June 1, 2006 3:40 pm

Site looks good! Can’t wait to read the inside scoops.

William Gatevackes
William Gatevackes
June 7, 2006 12:04 pm

Nice blog, sellout!

Seriously, this is a great idea! Update it regularly please!

Bill Gatevackes